Feel comfortable S P E A K I N G Norwegian!
If you want to learn how to SPEAK Norwegian, you've come to the right place!
Do any of these cases sound familiar to you?
... you just don't like learning Norwegian! It's boring, difficult and definitely not your thing!
... you wanted to learn Norwegian on your own, but all of those selfstudy-books just keep hiding on the shelf (shame on them!) and collecting dust ... And repeating phrases all by yourself, let's admit it, it's not very fun or motivating!
... your husband/wife keeps telling you that he or she will help you learn Norwegian... Eventually... Next week, for sure! (Been there, done that!) Clock is ticking and you're still stuck with some very basic sentences like "Hei", "har du det bra?" and "jeg heter Paul(a)" and perhaps some very useful words like "brunost" and "syltetøy". Sukk! (= sigh)
... you're preparing a test all on your own, with work and perhaps kids to take care of on the side, and you just can't find TIME to dust those old books you got at the "norskkurs" some months/years ago...
... you took some lessons at a course, and then you got a job and couldn't go there anymore. You really want to continue learning, but it has to be at the times that suit YOU the best.
… evenings and weekends are no-goes for you, you prefer doing other things then.
... you understand a lot, sure, but speaking Norwegian is still really scary. You need PRACTICE. And TIME (time to find the right words, time to learn, time to speak so that eventually you'll be able to make it on your own).
... you're tired of going to class, to follow a course that you feel isn't well adapted to YOUR needs (perhaps you have difficulties with pronounciation, or there are some grammar points that you never really fully understood? Or maybe your teacher focuses too much on writing, while you learn better by speaking?)
If any of these cases apply to you: please sit down, make yourself comfortable and let's have a chat, shall we?
Whether you bumped into my site by accident or somebody recommended it to you (perhaps some of my former students), I would love to help you - whether you only prefer learning from my free content or wish to work with me one-on-one!
My name is Silje (pronounced "Celia") and I'm a native Norwegian teacher! I am originally from Bergen, but moved to Oslo in 2018 after living 10 years in France. Living in Montpellier, France, from 2007 to 2018, I learned how it's like to be a full-time foreigner, how to TRULY learn a language and the many pitfalls you can fall into.
My passion is to support courageous language learners like yourself (yes, you are courageous)! Learning how to speak a foreign language is a vulnerability test, and you deserve some credit for it! Putting yourself out there in a language that isn't your mothertongue (or fathertongue), is not always easy.
My role is to cheer you on! Yours is to trust me (and to do your homework)! ;)
If you're thinking about taking private lessons in Norwegian, why don't you head over to my work with me page and I'll tell you how it works?
I will also be providing a lot of free videos and blog articles over at the blog that you can watch as much as you want.
Don't forget to connect with me on facebook and youtube (where you can leave all your Norwegian related questions and comments!).
Vi snakkes!