Loooong and short vowels....
/How to pronounce short and long vowels in Norwegian. (You can find the translation of the words under the video...)
Here are the translations:
Hat = hatred
Hatt = hat
Tak = roof; ceiling
Takk = thanks
Slit = struggle (noun)
Slitt = worn; struggled (perfektum partisipp)
Koste = Cuddled; to cost; to sweep/brush
Floke = tangle (noun and verb)
Flokke = to flock
Rus = inebriation
Russ = what you are when you finish "videregående skole". From the first to the 17th of May, teenagers doing their last year of "videregående skole" at the age of 18/19, go around celebrating the end 13 years of school.
Flyte = to float
Flytte = to move